?What is green hydrogen
?What is green hydrogen
Doesn’t what is happening now in all parts of the world of modern, unusual phenomena that are strange to us, including environmental and human disasters, call
!? us to take action in order to preserve our environment and our planet from this destruction
What the world is witnessing now in terms of global warming and unprecedented waves of high temperatures is nothing but a call to all of humanity to move towards completely changing our lifestyles to save our world from this great damage
One of the basic trends now that the world must pay attention to and strive towards is the trend to produce and use green hydrogen as a safe and more available alternative in energy production instead of petroleum materials, which are the first source of environmental pollution in the world and which are also the highest cost
?So, let's know what green hydrogen is

?What is green hydrogen
It is a universal, light, highly reactive fuel that can be obtained through a chemical process known as (electrolysis). This method uses an electric current in a
specific way to separate hydrogen from oxygen in water. Water consists of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. If this electricity is obtained from
.renewable sources, we will produce energy without emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which in turn pollutes the environment. And high temperatures
?What is green hydrogen used for
.Container ships powered by liquid ammonia made from hydrogen
.Green steel” refineries that burn hydrogen as a heat source instead of coal"
.Electric cars and trucks powered by hydrogen fuel cells
.Hydrogen-powered electric turbines can generate electricity during times of peak grid usage
.An alternative to natural gas for cooking and heating in homes
.Intensive steel manufacturing sector
Here we can distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of using green hydrogen, just like everything around us that has its advantages and

.Sustainable: Green hydrogen does not emit polluting gases either during combustion or during production, so it is safe.
.Storable: Hydrogen is easy to store, allowing it to be used later for other purposes and at other times than directly after its production.
Multi-use: green hydrogen can be converted into electricity or gas and used for domestic, commercial or industrial purposes or for transportation by various means of transportation
.High energy consumption: Producing hydrogen in general, and green hydrogen in particular, requires more energy than other types of fuel.
.Safety Issues: Hydrogen is a flammable element and therefore comprehensive safety measures are required to avoid leaks and explosions.
Green hydrogen is produced using clean, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy. Green hydrogen is considered a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional hydrogen that is produced from fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas, which in turn increases environmental pollution. Green hydrogen can be used as a clean and cost-effective alternative as green hydrogen could provide up to 25% of the world's energy needs by 2050
Green hydrogen is considered one of the most important solutions for transitioning to a low-carbon economy and preserving the environment. Green hydrogen is
.considered a sustainable and effective option to reduce carbon emissions and achieve environmental sustainability goals

From an economic standpoint: The use of green hydrogen can contribute to strengthening the economy by creating new job opportunities in the renewable
energy industry and stimulating technological innovation. It can also contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and achieving long-term economic
Hence, we can protect our environment and our planet from the disasters we are witnessing now, and work on ways of sustainable development and economic
.growth, thus raising the standard of living completely