Standard Oil Pioneer
It was a giant oil production, transportation, refining and marketing company founded in Ohio, USA
On January 10, 1870, by self-made businessman and industrialist John Davison Rockefeller and his partners, with a capital of one million US dollars. By 1879,
The company controlled about 90% of the total oil refining in the United States. It continued until 1911,
When the US Supreme Court issued a decision to break up the company into 34 companies due to antitrust cases filed by the US federal government against the company several years earlier.
Standard Oil is one of the largest and oldest multinational corporations in the world.
Perhaps the best example of how massive Standard Oil would have become today is Exxon Mobil.
Founded by the merger of just two of the 34 companies that resulted from the breakup of Standard, Exxon Mobil is the largest corporation in the world in terms of sales and net profits.
The shareholders at the time of its founding were John Davison Rockefeller, William A. Rockefeller, Samuel Andrews, Henry Flagler, and a silent partner, Stephen F. Harkness.
It established itself as the sole oil operator in the northeastern United States.
In the early years, John D. Rockefeller dominated the stockholder group as he was most familiar with the emerging petroleum industry.
Standard Oil's influence was such that it was able to impose all its terms on the railroads, including requiring them to refuse to carry their competitors' products.
In 1885, the Standard Oil Company of Ohio moved its headquarters from Cleveland to New York at 26 Broadway,
Between 1882 and 1906, Standard paid out about $548,436,000 in dividends at a 65.4% return. A common practice in business,
The thirty-four companies that resulted from the breakaway from Standard Oil.
Anglo-American Oil Company
Atlantic Oil
Buckeye Pipeline Company
Bourne Scrimser Company
Chesboro Manufacturing Company
Colonial Oil Company
Continental Oil Company
Crescent Pipeline Company
Cumberland Pipeline Company
Eureka Pipeline Company
Galena Signal Oil Company
Indiana Pipeline Company
National Transit Company
New York Transit Company
Northern Pipeline Company
Ohio Oil Company
Prairie Oil & Gas Company
Solar Refining Company
Southern Pipeline Company
Southern Penn Oil Company
Southwestern Pennsylvania Pipeline Company
California Standard Oil Chevron
Indiana Standard Oil
Kansas Standard Oil
Kentucky Standard Oil
Louisiana Standard Oil
Nebraska Standard Oil
New Jersey Standard Oil Exxon
New York Socony Standard Oil
Swan & Finch Company
Union Tank Lines
Vacuum Oil Company
Waters Pierce