Summary of the London poem by the poet William Blake This poem is free from scientific plagiarism

Summary of the London poem by the poet William Blake This poem is free from scientific plagiarism

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The speaker wanders the streets of the city of London and sees misery and pain on all who see it, as misery covered London even though the Industrial Revolution was going in full swing at that time. Blake uses the word "London" to say that this environment is oppressive, depriving people of their rights and keeping them from happiness.The poet shows that even the harlot is cursing here day of born and even here children will be affected. The harlot mostly works in the night to avoid the people talk as the freedom can not be achieved by the people and appear in the daylight.The poet express 

image about قصيدة London by William Blake خالية من السرقة العلمية

The poet used the word '' every'' several times in the second stanza to indicate the fear, weakness and the suffering of the people in the society.Blake believes that people are born with everything they need to live a happy life, but the adult world corrupts this happiness and destroys this innocence. Blake used this repetition to empathize on the extreme misery if the common people .The people of London lost hope in life and fall in huge despair. when the speaker saying '' marriage hearse'' it is a very gloomy image to describe the wedding carriage as death carriage. The speaker wanders the streets of the city of London and sees misery and pain on all who see it, as misery covered London even though the Industrial Revolution was going in full swing at that time. Blake uses the word "London" to say that this environment is oppressive, depriving people of their rights and keeping them from happiness.


Blake points out that the persecution of children was the primary factor on the "shackles of mind" that defined mind and corrupted society.

Chimney sweeps used to be people who cleaned chimneys, but now chimneys are narrow and children are forced to clean them sometimes. This is considered the suppression of children and deprivation of their childhood, their interference in the work of adults leads to terrible health problems, especially from this job. Blake believes that the children's world is for children and no one has the right to deprive them of their world and force them to enter the adult world that spoils them at an early age.


Here the poem aims at the collective failure to cherish life, and this failure is part of putting children in this dangerous situation. Churches indicate sanctity and help, but here in the poem they indicate their insufficiency and ignorance.The source of a soldier's sigh could be the indignity and tiredness of life in London, or the sound of his last breath when he died in a distant battle. The soldier's sigh seems to be a strange development of poetic imagination, and the palace indicates the position of responsibility for the soldier's misery, and makes clear that the state is the oppressive power.


The poem ends with a bleak end, as the speaker wanders in the middle of the night and hears misery and pain in the streets of London, implying that London's persecution is a kind of spell.

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