Funny stories, wonders and curiosities for women??!!!

Funny stories, wonders and curiosities for women??!!!

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There is no doubt that the world of women is a strange world surrounded by fantasies and perceptions that are often far from the truth

 If a woman is mentioned anywhere, an image of her is immediately created in the imaginations of those present that is closer to dreams than reality


Queen Vanden... ordered her personal barber to be imprisoned for 3 years so that no one would know that her hair had turned gray

Queen Victoria: She ordered the streets of the English city of Copnerg to be sprayed with cologne to celebrate her and Prince Albert’s visit to her in 1845 AD

The Virgin Queen, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen of Britain... She sat on the throne when she was a virgin at the age of twenty-five, and she remained queen for 45 years, during which she gave all her love to her country, and she used to say: I would rather beg without marriage than be a married queen

Anne of Berlin, wife of King Henry VIII, wore gloves constantly in summer and winter to hide a sixth finger on her hands

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt...if she wanted to whet her appetite, she would eat a piece of cantaloupe seasoned with garlic

.. Catherine the Great…… If she wanted to make herself happy, she would order one of her feet to be tickled, and she would drink five cups of coffee for her breakfast

Mary Theresa, Empress of Austria...was one of the happiest mothers as she was the mother of sixteen sons and daughters, among whom were two emperors and three queens

Lulia Paulina, wife of Caesar Caligula... She wore dresses, the price of which was no less than 200,000 dollars, in addition to the pearl necklace, which was worth 3,500.0 dollars

... Enenzi Castor, wife of Piedra I, Queen of Portugal... She was assassinated by an individual. When her husband became king, he took her body out of the grave and placed her on the 

throne and said to his people: She is the Queen of Portugal. She became the first queen to rule her people after her death

.... A will bequeathed to an American wife named Mary Cohery as Lareen... to her husband.

 After her death, he used half of this amount to buy a rope to hang himself with

.... And Helmina Maria, Princess of Orange, Queen of the Netherlands... When she abdicated the throne in 1948 AD, her wealth was estimated at 500,000,000

Physicist Albert Einstein had difficulty speaking until he was nine years 

old, and his parents and teachers believed he was mentally retarded

… A wealthy lame woman from Barcelona bequeathed 500 francs to every lame person who walked at her funeral




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