Interesting and strange questions about everything in life... (3)

Interesting and strange questions about everything in life... (3)

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Q: How long can the brain remain outside the body

A: The needs of the brain in vertebrate bodies are usually very simple 

The brain of these organisms, including humans, mainly needs oxygen and glucose 

These needs can be met if it leaves the body by connecting the blood vessels responsible for feeding the brain with alternative artificial blood or adding blood to artificial cerebrospinal fluid

  And pump oxygen directly to him

 In this way, it was possible to keep the brains of laboratory rats, dogs, and monkeys alive for several hours or days after extracting them from their bodies

The problem for humans is that without a body to which this brain is connected, we cannot measure the health of the brain except by a basic method, which is oxygen absorption and electrical activity, to verify whether the brain is alive or dead

 Since medicine has not yet found an effective way to reconnect the severed spinal cord, it becomes very difficult to determine whether the brain is still conscious and functioning normally or not


Q: Are there rings that indicate the age of trees in those that grow in tropical rainforests

  A: Tropical rainforests do not experience extreme weather fluctuations between winter and summer - as happens in temperate forests, for example 

 Therefore, tropical trees grow in a similar way throughout the year 

This therefore means that the rings indicating the developmental years are not clear

In any case, the tropics do go through seasonal changes, such as dry seasons and rainy seasons  Some tropical trees, such as teak trees, have growth rings that clearly reflect this

Some do not have such rings, and their age can only be determined by chemical analysis of their wood


Chocolate is good for humans but harmful to cats and dogs

Q: Why is chocolate harmful to cats and dogs, but not harmful to humans

 A: Chocolate contains Theobromine, which belongs to a group of alkaloids known as methylated xanthine's, known as xanthine compounds

They act as stimulants to the central nervous system and can lead to poisoning 

The compound Theo bromine can cause rapid heartbeat, dehydration, kidney damage, and some epileptic seizures They are vehicles Zinn at Saturates are toxic to all birds

  And mammals, including humans. 

What saves humans from the dangers of these substances is their large size and low metabolic rate in their body

 The fatal dose of chocolate for humans is ten kilograms (for cats and dogs), while for a dog weighing 25 kilograms, it may become ill from eating half a kilo of chocolate

If it reaches a kilogram, it is enough to kill it 

Cats and birds have higher metabolic rates, which makes them more susceptible to harm from chocolate. Fortunately, she does not like the taste of chocolate, which makes cases of poisoning rare 


Q: Is talking to oneself considered a form of madness

A: No.. Almost everyone does this 

The young child often talks to himself or to a friend who imagines his presence, then he gradually learns to reduce this craziness

He resorts to thinking in silence

 Talking to oneself can have several benefits, as it helps the individual crystallize and clarify his thoughts and make decisions

Q: How does 48-hour deodorant work

A: Deodorants kill the bacteria that feed on sweat and cause its familiar odor, using alcohol, and replacing them with salt or acid compounds

At the same time, aluminum salts make the sweat glands absorb water and swell to prevent further sweating. The preparations used for this purpose differ in the method they use in adding the wax and gummy compounds that are added to them to make them stable on the skin during that period

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