The role of statistics to analyze Titanic data

The role of statistics to analyze Titanic data

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? Titanic Survivors, is it the fruit of hazard or planned

In 1912, we all know the story of the famous mystery of Titanic ship that sank in the Atlantic ocean due to the collision with the gigantesque iceberg. The story was dramatic and the catastrophe was filmed in 1997

Titanic compromised more than 2200 passengers where 980 survived and more than 1400 are dead from different classes. In this article we will put the light on the survivors using chi-square test to find if the people survived from first class are a fruit of hazard or they were favorized to be survived by the passengers of the first class instead of other classes passengers

Chi-square Independence Test

In inferential statistics, the chi-square independence test is used to test whether two populations are related or not. In other words, if there is a significant relation between two categorial variables

The Chi-square test is used to see if the dead and survivors are related or not? If the 1st class passengers are favorized over than other passengers or not. The test was performed using R programming language as explained later in this article

Chi-square Test using R

The below table shows the number of dead and survivors in each class




1st class



2nd class



3rd class



Ship Workers



To solve this problem, we need to assume Ho and H1

 Ho: The relation between the final destiny and passenger class is independent

H1: There is a relation between the final destiny and passenger class

  ()The used relation to solve the problem, as shown in the above figure, is chisq.test

It can be seen that, P-value<0.05; thus, we reject null hypothesis and select the alternative one. The obtained results are not the fruit of hazard, but meant by the passengers of the first class to be favorized over the other passengers

We can also conclude that the statistics is indispensable to analyze data and results from different categories and fields. The statistics science is as important as different sciences



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