Japanese method  kaisen of quality management method

Japanese method kaisen of quality management method

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Kaizen  is the fusion of the two Japanese words “kai“ and “zen“ which mean “change” and “better” respectively. The common French translation is « amélioration continue ».K The common English translation is “continuous improvement”. In fact, by extension, we want to mean “analyze to improve”. This Japanese approach is based on small improvements made on a daily basis, constantly. It is a gradual and gentle approach, which contrasts with the more Western concept of brutal reform of the type "throw it all away and start fresh" or innovation. On the other hand, kaizen tends to encourage each worker to reflect on their workplace and to propose improvements. So, unlike innovation, kaizen does not require a lot of financial investment, but a strong motivation from all employees.

Consequently, more than a management technique, kaizen is a philosophy, a mentality that must be deployed at all levels of the company. The proper implementation of this principle requires in particular

 .A reorientation of the corporate culture

  • The implementation of tools and concepts such as the Deming wheel (PDCA cycle), the tools of TQM (global quality management), an effective suggestion system and group work

.Standardization of processes

.A motivation program (reward system, staff satisfaction)

Active involvement of management in rolling out the policy

.Support for change, when the transition to kaizen represents a radical change for the company

Kaizen is a continuous improvement process based on concrete, simple and inexpensive actions. But kaizen is first of all a state of mind that requires the involvement of all  actors or 5S method is based on the creed of a continuous improvement approach. Intead of starting from scratch, we seek to gradually improve the various processes of the organization by applying the following 5 types of action ( the famous 5 S) 

.Tidy (SEIRI): Bring order to the space or workstation. For example: eliminate tools and materials that are not used to accomplish daily missions

.Arrange (SEITON): Each object has a unique place, dedicated and completely adapted to its function and form

To clean (SEISO): Cleanliness is part of the quality of the work environment. Once all the objects are neatly stored and positioned, the maintenance of the workstation is essential for the operator occupying the position and to promote productivity

Cure (SEIKETSU) : It is a question of being rigorous in the application of the 3 previous steps. The Seiketsu seeks to standardize the workstation, allowing any employee to be able to appropriate the position. This results in the non-personalization of the position

Respect the procedures (SHITSUKE): This last step of the 5S method aims to ensure that the rules mentioned above are applied and respected. A person or team may be appointed responsible for ensuring that procedures are followed

Continuous improvement techniques, such as Kaizen, are not incompatible with the logic of overhauling a process / product in its entirety (improvement by breakthrough). However, it has been found that the results are significantly more effective when a comprehensive overhaul is implemented. This is what the Six Sigma method offers for example

The objective must therefore be to direct the approach towards a balance between continuous improvement and deep or integral improvement. This alliance will make it possible, on the one hand, not to neglect small corrective actions (because in isolation, they will not be very effective, but their addition in large numbers, will create positive synergies)

A clear advantage of Kaizen over Six Sigma is its low or even no cost. Kaizen actions, correctly oriented, can contribute to the reduction of costs within a process and to the minimization of waste or energy leaks (time, movements, materials  

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