Understanding Estrogen: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Understanding Estrogen: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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Understanding Estrogen: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Estrogen is a complex hormone composed of three different hormones working together in specific ratios. These ratios can become unbalanced, especially around the age of 50, leading to an excess of 16-hydroxy estrogen and a deficiency in 2-hydroxy estrogen. While I'm avoiding the technical names, it's important to note that this imbalance results in too much "bad" estrogen.

It's essential to understand that "bad" estrogen isn't inherently harmful. You need some of it, but not in excess. The critical point is that when the ratio is skewed, it increases the risk of breast and uterine cancer. One type of estrogen increases this risk, while another type offers protection against cancer.

The Role of Cruciferous Vegetables and DIM

I want to highlight two key points: the benefits of cruciferous vegetables and a concentrated natural chemical found in them called DIM (Diindolylmethane). DIM is a powerful phytochemical that helps restore the balance of estrogen ratios. It doesn't eliminate all estrogen but reduces the bad estrogen and increases the good one. DIM can be taken as a supplement, or you can simply consume more cruciferous vegetables to achieve this protective effect.

Sources of Estrogen in Food

Our food is often loaded with estrogen, especially GMO foods. About 95% of the food available in grocery stores contains genetically modified ingredients. Animals fed GMO grains produce meat with higher estrogen levels. Therefore, it's crucial to choose grass-fed meat and avoid soy and corn products found in most processed foods.

Liver Health and Estrogen Balance

For men, excess estrogen can lead to prostate problems, a topic for another video. For women, the liver plays a vital role in eliminating excess estrogen. If the liver is fatty, scarred, or inflamed due to conditions like hepatitis, its ability to process estrogen decreases.

If you have liver issues, it's important to address them. Even if you don't, incorporating cruciferous vegetables into your diet is highly beneficial. Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and arugula are excellent sources of DIM, which helps balance estrogen levels.

The Benefits of Sea Kelp

Additionally, sea kelp is beneficial because it contains iodine, which helps reduce bad estrogen, making it effective for treating cysts and fibrocystic breasts.


In summary, if you're over 50, it's essential to actively and aggressively balance your estrogen levels. Increase your intake of cruciferous vegetables, add sea kelp to your diet, or consider taking a DIM supplement. By doing so, you can help protect yourself against the risks associated with estrogen imbalance. 

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