Harmful effects of energy drinks for children and adolescents

Harmful effects of energy drinks for children and adolescents

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Energy drinks have spread widely among all segments of society, especially among teenagers due to their availability in most stores and shops. However, what are the harmful effects that may befall teenagers as a result of consuming these drinks? Are there healthy alternatives that can be resorted to?

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Harmful effects of energy drinks on teenagers

Energy drinks typically contain ingredients such as caffeine, sugars, nutritional supplements, and stimulating chemicals. These ingredients can be harmful to children and teens for several reasons:

High caffeine content

Energy drinks often contain high amounts of caffeine, a stimulant that can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and sleep difficulties. This can negatively impact children and teens who need good sleep and rest for their healthy development.

High sugar content

Energy drinks also contain large amounts of added sugars, which if consumed in large quantities can increase the risk of obesity and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Nutritional supplements and stimulating chemicals

Some energy drinks contain nutritional supplements and stimulating chemicals that may be inappropriate for the developing bodies of children and teens, and can cause unwanted side effects.

Impact on mental and behavioral health

It is thought that consuming large amounts of caffeine may lead to mental health and behavioral changes in children and adolescents, such as anxiety, confusion, and mood changes.

Heart and nervous system problems

Excessive amounts of caffeine may affect the heart and nervous systems of children and adolescents, and cause serious health problems.

In general, it is recommended to avoid giving energy drinks to children and teenagers completely, and instead, they should be encouraged to drink water and natural juices and maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

image about Harmful effects of energy drinks for children and adolescents

Are energy drinks beneficial to health?

Some people may benefit from consuming energy drinks on a limited basis and with the approval of a doctor, especially in the following cases:

Increased alertness and attention: Drinking energy drinks can temporarily help increase levels of alertness and attention, and this may be useful in some cases such as driving long distances or working long hours.

Enhancing physical performance: In some cases, drinking energy drinks before exercising is beneficial, as it can increase endurance and physical performance.

Improving mood: Some people may feel an improvement in mood after consuming energy drinks, due to the effect of caffeine on the central nervous system.

Healthy alternatives to energy drinks for teens

Here are some healthy alternatives that teens can benefit from instead of consuming energy drinks:

Plain water: Drinking pure water is the best alternative to energy drinks, as it helps hydrate the body and stimulate physical and mental activity without harming health.

Green tea: Green tea contains a lower percentage of caffeine than coffee and energy drinks, and it also contains antioxidants that enhance overall health.

Natural fruit juices: Natural fruit juices are a healthy and refreshing alternative, especially if fresh fruits are used and without added sugar.

Sugar-free soft drinks: Teens can enjoy sugar-free soft drinks as a healthy alternative to energy drinks, which may provide a feeling of refreshment without exposing them to the risks of excess sugar.

Exercise: Regular exercise contributes to increasing energy levels and physical fitness, and enhances general health without the need to drink energy drinks.


By choosing and sticking to these healthy alternatives, teens can stay healthy and active without the risks that may come from consuming energy drinks.

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