Names and meanings

Names and meanings

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These are words that have an origin and a chapter in history

7 up

The reason why 7up is called by this name

In analytical chemistry, there is what is known as the pH, and this number is symbolized by ph. (It is the concentration of hydrogen in the solution)

  And the symbol is ph. He has three cases

When pH = 7 The solution will be neutral

   When 7 < ph. The middle of the solution is alkaline

   When 7   > pH The middle of the solution is acidic

Therefore, there are three media for solutions: acidic, alkaline, and neutral. We return to 7-up, of course, the meaning of up in Arabic is higher, meaning that the ph. It is higher than seven, which means that the solution medium is alkaline

    It is known that the stomach contains hydrochloric acid, which means that the center of the stomach is acidic, so why does anyone have a stomach ache?

    Why do doctors recommend drinking 7up?

Because 7UP is an alkaline medium + the stomach is an acidic medium, it = a neutral medium, meaning neutralization occurs in the stomach medium and it calms down 

The Mediterranean Sea

  The reason for its name is due to the white clouds that hang above it throughout the year

It is called the Mediterranean because it lies in the middle of the three continents of the ancient world, and its name was derived in English from two Latin words meaning the middle of the earth Mediterranean 


  The British explorer, Captain Cook, who discovered the Australian continent, New Zealand, and other islands, when he was roaming the southern seas with the intention of adventure and pirates, noticed the presence of an animal with strange leaps on the Australian mainland, so he took the initiative to ask the natives about this strange animal, and they answered him by saying, “Kangaroo.”

Thus, this Australian animal with a marsupial became known as the kangaroo, noting that this word (kangaroo) means in the language of the indigenous people of the Australian continent, “I do not understand your words.” 


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Some slave owners (in America) used to give their slaves some of their used cotton undershirts for these slaves to wear during their hard work, since the slaves lived in harsh living conditions and ate food with limited health value.

The shirts given to them by the slave owners were often baggy and loose on their thin bodies compared to the luxurious bodies of their masters.

According to the Americans' custom of giving short names to things, they called this type of loose, short-sleeved shirt a "T-shirt," meaning a shirt with the letter T. The color of the shirt, if spread flat, looks similar to the letter T. 

The mosque is called in English (mosque)

The origin of the word is from the Spanish word mentioned by King Ferdinand, who said (We will crush Muslims as we crush mosquitoes). The name of mosquito in the Spanish language is mosquito. Look, where are the mosquitoes? They are found in the swamps where they are abundant, and of course, where are the Muslims most frequently found in the mosque? The Spanish word was translated into English as mosque


The word is made up of the first letters of a sentence said by one of the engineers who invented nylon in the late thirties. He was examining with his hand the first nylon thread and was proud of his victory over the Japanese and Japan’s technology. He said: “Now, lice-infested old Japan, now you lousy old Nippon.” They combined the first letters of these words, and they formed nylon., Napoleon


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