Sayings and wisdom in our lives

Sayings and wisdom in our lives

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Contentment is seeing flowers in the desert of your life, contentment in the misery of your days, and a sweet smile on the lips of your dreams. Always say and repeat, thank God for everything.

A little water will save you, but a lot of water may drown you, so always learn to be content with what you have.

  If they ask you about safety? Say my father's shoes are at the door


The dead person is not innocent of the dead person's crime.

A smile is less expensive than electricity, but it is brighter.

God gives every bird his sustenance, but does not put it in his nest.


Homeland is not where you live, but where you are understood

. Be fire and don't be a fire

  A good plant grows with care, but a thorn grows with works

When someone is very close to your heart, then you talk to him

In writing and reading her words, you often hear his voice inside your head

  The first sign of love is for a man to feel pain, as if the woman he loved broke his rib

If you sometimes feel impolite, this means you are polite!!

Because impolite They don't feel anything

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   Life is a sea of reality and experiences. If you look at life with a smiling soul, you will definitely find it interesting, and life will become meaningful.

When we find something that we struggle for and strive to reach, happiness is living every day with new hope and new work and living your life without looking back except for happy memories.

Jealousy is sometimes a matter of dignity, not a matter of love

   It was said that a man intercepted a woman on the road and said to her: Can you make it with your own hand? She said to him: No, but with my legs (meaning she is a dancer).

Always remember that money is not everything, but at the same time remember that you have to collect a lot of money before you say this foolishness.

   If you want to change the reality in which you live, you must change your thinking first

It is not important that you have a bald head. What is important is that your soul is not bald

  It takes a person years to learn to speak, but he needs years of his life to learn to remain silent

Tell me, are you comfortable at home and I will tell you who you are!

A foolishness that supports me is better than a mind that I support

   Do not tell a bald man a story that makes his hair stand tall, as it is a wasted effort

   The less you know, the stronger your conviction that you are a great knower, and the more you know, the weaker your abstinence

A young man went to Socrates and said to him, “I would like to obtain knowledge.” He said to him: “How much do you need it?”

The young man said: I should get it!! So Socrates took him to the beach and there he lowered him into the sea and put his head under the water and kept holding it, then raised him from the water

He asked him: What did you need most? The young man said: Air. I was in dire need of air

Socrates said to him: When your need for knowledge becomes like your need for air under water, you will obtain it

What all countries need today are more open minds and a few more open mouths

  Trying is failure and success, but the fact that you try is the pinnacle of success

   Every friend is a colleague, but not every colleague is a friend

The less you speak, the more listeners you will have

   Everyone who made a mistake called his mistake an experience

   Even the grave given with gold is filled with worms

   An empty car is more noisy than a full car, and so are people's heads

  Your head is your home, do not forget to furnish it

Success is just luck. If you don't believe this, ask any loser

  Experiments are a name we usually give to our mistakes

The truth is like a bee: it has honey in its belly and a stinger in its tail

   If a person's chest is narrow about the secret of himself, then the chest of the one who entrusts the secret is narrower

   Seek goodness from stomachs that are full and then hungry because goodness remains in them. Do not seek goodness from stomachs that are hungry and then full because scarcity remains in them.


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To you, my dear and dear friend, all what matters to you?

In all languages of the world 



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