Write a compelling CV to get you a job

Write a compelling CV to get you a job

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A resume is the interface the hiring manager sees before meeting you. It is the mental impression of you in their minds, which gives them their first impression of you. According to statistics, the percentage of people who applied for a new job in person Interview more than 67 people Because controlling the employee's first impression when looking at your resume, all recruitment experts, as well as self-development and soft skills coaches, advise fresh graduates and those who are looking To apply for new jobs to focus on writing a professional resume, hiring an expert, or an online resume. One of the creation tools, in today's article we will discuss with you the definition of a resume with the most important tips to consider when writing your resume.

Definition of CV

A CV is defined as a paper “and it may increase up to three sheets depending on the size of your CV, your experience and the jobs you worked in previously” containing a set of personal information and all the qualifications, experience and capabilities of the person applying for the job.

According to Wikipedia, the autobiography is defined as one of the types of literary writing, which is the art of a person's narration of his personal biography and focusing on specific goals that help him to form an impression on another person who views this biography.

Define a CV in a simple way

A CV in general is a small file that contains a paper or a set of papers, whether it is actually paper or an electronic PDF file that contains your personal information such as:

the name.
date of birth.
Place of residence and address.
Scientific or academic certificates.
Your previous experiences or jobs you have worked in before.
The skills you have learned or acquired during your past years of work.
The languages ​​you master and speak and your level in each language.
Career or professional objective of the resume.
Other things and information vary from person to person and job to job.

Tips for writing a resume

Make sure to write the professional or job objective in the CV correctly, clearly and concisely.
The job objective in your resume should be specific to the position you want to apply for and not just a general job objective in your resume for all jobs and companies.
You must ensure that there are no spelling errors in your CV.
Ensure that the CV and its contents are well and correctly formatted and focus on arranging the information in an attractive manner and according to the priority of the information.
Shortening or following the practical method in writing previous skills and experiences, and avoiding the vulgar literary style and exaggerating the listing of your skills and experiences.

Ensure that all information is real and that there is no fraud.
Using an attractive design for the CV and writing it in a clear and beautiful font, separating each part of the CV with a main title in the same font, but in a larger size for easy viewing quickly.
Do not include a personal photo of yourself in the CV without a prior request in the employment advertisement.
The CV should be dedicated or directed to a job or company, and write a customized CV for each company that you would like to work for, according to its field, the experiences it needs and the skills it needs.
It should be as brief as possible and contain all the basic information as well as experiences and skills, with a focus on the experiences and skills needed by the job you wish to apply for.

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