What is a fun psychological trick to try on someone?

What is a fun psychological trick to try on someone?

1 المراجعات

What is a fun psychological trick to try on someone?

I didn’t invent this trick, but I’ve used it successfully many times. It requires a group of people, ideally at least 30, and the more competitive the group is, the better, so groups of doctors and lawyers are ideal!

It’s called “The Five Dollar Auction.”

You stand up in front of the group, and hold up a five dollar bill.

You explain that you will auction this five dollar bill off, and the highest bidder gets it, even if the high bid only a dime. Bidding starts at 10 cents, and goes up in increments of 10 cents or more. There’s just one trick to this auction, and that is that when the auction ends, whoever has the second highest bid also has to pay, but doesn’t get anything. Everyone understand?

Heads nod, and you ask if anyone will bid a dime for the five dollar bill?

Bidding also proceeds quickly at first, and once the bids are at $2.60 and $2.50, you are guaranteed a profit.

Bidding continues quickly until the high bid gets to about $4.90. At that point the second highest bidder realizes that they will lose $4.80, unless they bid $5 and break even, so invariably they bid $5. There’s usually a brief pause at this point, but then the other bidder (there’s always only two bidders at this point) realizes that they will lose $4.90 unless they bid $5.10, so better to lose 10 cents than $4.90.

Once bids are over $5, the value of the item is forgotten, and it becomes a battle between the two remaining bidders, each of them alternately deciding it is better to bid higher and at least end up with the $5 bill. The competitiveness of the participants really comes into play at this point, and the bidding generally goes into higher and higher incremental bids, and can really go crazy when neither bidder wants to “lose” (even though they will both lose in the end).

The best result I ever had was with a group of about 40 surgeons, when the high bid was $410 and the second highest was $400; so $810 for a $5 bill!

The only time this came close to not working was when the two remaining bidders realized what was happening, and when the bids were at $20 and $19 they conferenced with each other and agreed to stop the bidding and split the loss evenly. Even in this case, though, the total proceeds were $39 for a $5 bill!

• If you want someones attention start the conversation off by saying “I am not supposed to be telling you this”

• If you want someone to tell the truth get them to laugh before questioning

• If you have anxiety while talking to someone chew some gum it tricks your brain into acting calm

• If you are in an argument stay as calm as possible and when they are done stay silent and stare at them it will piss them off so much

• If someone interrupts you while you are talking carry on talking they're gonna feel awkward and shut up

• Trying to hold back your thoughts about someone make you miss them even more

• Life becomes more meaningful when you realise you never get the same moment twice

• If you want to check if someones looking at you yawn then look back at them, if they yawn back they were looking at you

• You are more likely to achieve your goals if you keep it to yourself and write about it

• You appear more attractive to others when you make them laugh or smile

• Studies show using hand gestures while speaking makes vou seem more trust worthy and desirable

• Cheaters tend to think everyone cheats, liars think that everyone lies


What are the most important psychological facts that everyone should know?

• The smarter you are, the more difficult it is to find someone worth being in a relationship with.

• When you’re sleeping, you are not sad, happy or lonely, you feel nothing.

• The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.

• People won’t always tell you how they feel, but they will show you, pay attention.

• Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.

• Once you begin to dislike someone, everything they do tends to annoy you.

• No matter how hard you try, you can never remember how your dream started.

• Beginnings and ends are easier to remember than middles.

People working in rooms with blue walls or decorations experience a boost in their productivity and creativity.


Thank you for reading. 




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