What is Magnus Carlsen doing to waste time?

What is Magnus Carlsen doing to waste time?

1 المراجعات

What do intelligent people do to waste time?

There should be a specific line between intelligent people and knowledgeable people.

Let's take a brilliant example of Magnus Carlsen.

image about What is Magnus Carlsen doing to waste time? 

Magnus Carlsen, Norwegian Chess Grandmaster, Current #1 World Chess Champion is a chess prodigy. This man is truly intelligent.

This Grandmaster can tell just by looking at the position of the pieces who played that particular game in which year. This is not only the appreciation of his memory but also of his brilliance.

Once he held a test for himself. He played 10 chess masters simultaneously.

No? Not a big deal? Ok here's the big deal.

He played them without looking at any of the boards. He had all the 10 boards pictured in mind, and played all of them simultaneously. He admitted he once or twice forgot a position in one of the boards, but he virtually played that particular game in his mind again in just 30 seconds.

And he wins. All of them.

It's clearly evident that this man has sharpened his memory skills to that level, where he can do the things which are nearly impossible for an average human.

When asked about how he uses his free time, he said, he always plays chess in his mind. He said, he was preparing for a strategy he'd use in his next game.

Here's how you can get a complete picture of his brilliance, and his use of free time.

from me to you

If you call being observant is a waste of time. That's what intelligent people did to evaluate plans, people, risks, ideas and possible outcome.

In fact, time can only be considered as a waste to a person if it is an unfruitful act or events that bring no joy nor satisfaction. While on the flip side, even though watching a comedy drama might be considered a waste of time to many people but it is not the case since it brings laughter and happiness to many people and laughter is a very good medicine to many modern mental illnesses out there.


it will only a waste of time if a person do not enjoy the process of doing one thing nor finds it profitable in any sense. Do things that bring joys to oneself and not harming others nor the environment. Who cares what you would do in your own space and time.

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