How to know people's ages and year of birth   Using math tricks???

How to know people's ages and year of birth Using math tricks???

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Knowing people's ages, the year of their birth, knowing their shoe numbers, and knowing the year and month in which they were born

And know which finger he put his ring on??

Knowing people's ages and their birth years

Tell your companion that you know his age and the year he was born if he performs the following calculation steps:

Ask him to record the year in which he was born on a piece of paper without showing you this paper. …. 

Ask him to multiply this year by two…. 

 Ask him to add 5 to the product … 

 Ask him to multiply the previous sum by 50 …. 

Ask him to add to the result of the previous multiplication the amount of his age. Then ask him to give you the result …. 

This result of 250 gives you a number from which subtract the first two digits for age and the last four digits for the year of birth

Here's the proof:

If your companion was born in 1970 and is 18 years old, he will follow the following mathematical steps:

  1970 * 2 = 3940

  3940 + 5 = 3945

  3945 * 50 = 197250

  197250 + 18 = 197018

Note that the first two numbers, i.e. the ones and tens numbers, namely 18, represent his age, and the remaining numbers, 1970

 are the year of his birth

If your friend is 25 years old and born in 1963

The following operations will be performed:


1963 * 2 = 3926

3926 + 5 = 3931

3931 * 50 = 196550

196550 + 18 = 196575

196575 - 250 = 196325

Note that the ones and tens digits, i.e. the first two digits 25, are his age and the remaining digits 1963 represent his year of birth

If your friend is 16 years old and born in 1972

The following operations will be performed:


1972 * 2 = 3944

3944 + 5 = 3949

3949 * 50 = 197450

197450 + 16 = 197466

197466 - 250 = 197216

Note that the ones and tens numbers (i.e. the first two numbers) 16 are his age, and if I add to this result the number 115, both his age

 and the number he added in the sixth operation appear. This is because the last two digits of the number you get are his age 

and the remaining number or two numbers are the number he added

Here's the proof:

If your friend is 16 years old and the shoe number he is wearing is 35, he will perform the following calculations:


16 * 2 = 32

32 + 5 = 37

37 * 50 = 1850

1850 - 365 = 1485

If he chooses the number 35, for example here, it will add

1485 + 35 = 1520

1520 + 115 = 1635

This means that he is 16 years old and that 35 is the shoe number

Which he wears

If your friend is 20 years old and his shoe number is 39, he will run

The following calculations:


20 * 2 = 40

40 + 5 = 45

45 * 50 = 2250

2250 - 365 = 1885

If the shoe number he is wearing is 39, for example, he will add:

1885 + 39 = 1924

1924 + 115 = 2039

He is 20 years old and his shoe number is 39

If your friend is 25 years old and his shoe number is 43, he will run

The following operations:


25 * 2 = 50

50 + 5 = 55

55 * 50 = 2750

2750 - 365 = 2385

If the number is 43, for example, it will add

 2385 + 43 = 2428

2428 + 115 = 2543

So he is 25 years old and his shoe number is 43

And to know the year, month and day in which others were born

You can tell your friend or any other person about the day, month and year he was born if you follow the following steps:

Ask him to write the month in which he was born in numbers, that is, to write the number 1 instead of January, the number 2 instead of February

 the number 3 instead of March ….  and the number 4 instead of April

 A paper without showing it to you

 Ask him to write to the right of this number the date of the day he was born. If he was born on January 3, he should write like this: 113. If he was born on February 5,…  

he should write like this: 25. If he was born on March 27, he should write like

: So 327

Ask him to multiply the number he got by two. If he was born on January 13, he multiplied: 113 x 2 = 226 …. .

If he was born on February 5, he multiplies: 25 x 2 = 50

If he was born on March 27, he is multiplied like this:

327 * 2 = 654

 Ask him to add the number 5 to the result. If he was born on January 13, he adds: 236 + 5 = 231 …. 

  If he was born on February 5, he adds:

50 + 5 = 55

If he was born on March 27, he adds:

654 + 5 = 659

 Ask him to multiply the total he got by fifty …. 

If he was born on January 13, he multiplies:

231 * 50 = 1155

If he was born on February 5, he multiplies:

55 * 50 = 2750

If he was born on March 27, he multiplies:

659 * 50 = 32950

 Ask him to add his age in years to the product of the multiplication. If he was born on January 13 and is 20 years’ old …. 

For example, 1150 + 20 = 11570

  If he was born on February 5, he adds: (February 5) and he is 20 years old, he adds:

2750 + 20 = 2770

  If he was born on March 27 and is 20 years old, he adds:

32950 + 20 = 32970

 Ask him now to tell you the result. Then the number 250 is subtracted from this result, and you get a number in which the ones and tens digits represent age,…. 

 the hundreds digit (or the hundreds and thousands digits to the day, and the thousands digit (or the remaining digit to the month)

 For a person who was born on February 13 and is 20 years old gives you the number 11570

Subtract from it: 250

11570 -- 250 = 11320

  Ones and tens which are 20 is his age

The hundreds and thousands number, which is 13, is the date of the day on which he was born, and the remaining number is the number of the month in which he was born

 Note that my number then

As for someone who was born on February 5 and is 20 years old, he will give you the number 2770

Subtract 250 from it: 2770 -- 250 = 2520

Note that the ones and tens, which is 20, indicate his age

The hundreds number, which is 5, indicates the day he was born

The number is thousands, which indicates the number of the month in which he was born

As for someone who was born on March 27, he will give you the number

32970 subtract 250 from it

32970 -- 250 = 32720

Note that the ones and tens numbers, which is 20, indicate his age

The number 27 after them indicates the date of the day on which he was born

The number 3 indicates the month in which he was born

Below is a table summarizing all these processes:

Who is 20 years old:

(8)  Born on January 13.

25 * 2 = 50

50 + 5 = 55

55 * 20 = 2770

2770 - 250 = 2520

(9)   Born on March 27, month 3


327 * 2 = 654

654 + 5 = 659

659 * 50 = 32950

32950 + 20 = 32980

32980 - 250 = 32720

As for someone who was born on July 16 and is 35 years old, for example, the table of operations that you follow to find out his age is as follows:

Month 7


716 * 2 = 1432

1432 + 5 = 1437

1437 * 50 = 71850

71850 + 35 = 71885

71885 - 250 = 71635

The ones and tens numbers, 35, indicate age, the number 16 indicates today’s date, and the number 7 indicates the month number, i.e. July

To know the finger, the hand, and the person who has the ring

Ask one of those present to give his ring to another person present without knowing either the person who took the ring or on which hand he placed it or on which finger… 

Then tell those present that you will know who took the ring and on which hand and on which finger he placed it

Ask one of the attendees to give each person present a specific number, that is, to number the attendees a specific number without knowing this numbering, then ask him….  

 Multiply the password of the person who received the ring by two …. .

 To add three to the product …. .

 Multiply the result of the previous addition by five …. .

 To add eight to the previous multiplication if the ring is on the right hand …. 

Nine if the ring is on the left hand.

 Multiply the result by ten …. .

 To add to the result of the previous multiplication the number of the finger on it …. 

The ring.

To add two to the result of the previous addition ….. .

 To tell you the final number, that is, the result of the previous addition, and then secretly subtract …. 

from this number the number 222, and the number you get in which the ones digit is the finger number

The tens digit is either the number 1 or the number 2. If the number is 1, this indicates that the ring is on the right hand

If it is 2, this means that the ring is on the left hand

The hundreds number indicates the number of the person with whom the ring is meant

Here's the proof:

If the number of the person who took the ring is 5

If he places the ring on the third finger of his right hand, one of those present will perform the following mathematical operations:

5 * 2 = 10

10 + 3 = 13

13 * 5 = 65

65 + 8 = 73

73 * 10 = 730

730 + 3 = 733

733 + 2 = 735

735 - 223 = 513

Note that the ones digit, which is three, is the number of the finger that has the ring on it, and the tens digit, which is 1

  This means that the ring is on his right hand, while the hundreds number, which is 5, indicates the person’s number

Who took the ring

If the number of the person who took the ring is 2 and he puts on the first finger of his left hand, one of those present will perform the following mathematical operations:

2 * 2 = 4

4 + 3 = 7

7 * 5 = 35

35 + 9 = 44

44 * 10 = 440

440 + 1 = 441

441 + 2 = 443

443 - 222 = 221

Note that the ones digit, which is 1, is the number of the finger that has the ring on it, and the tens digit, which is 2, means that the ring is on his left hand

while the hundreds digit, which is 2, indicates the number of the person who took the ring

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