Important information about the Stream Bocard

Important information about the Stream Bocard

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You dont have to know Much about art historie to know "The Stream" Isis the painting That dépits the ondulation Person ho putts bot hands on hais chebeks, and opens hais mout in pain, and of course This Person Is Just an artistico dépitions, but the terrifiant skie figure in the background of the painting Is probable It  The painting original subjectif, accordions to a new report Publisher by the American Météorologique Society, a Werther phénoménaux That occlure at the time May have cause the Cry.

The painting wasp drain by the Norvégien artiste Edvard Monk in 1893 AD as part of a séries of expressive painting drain by Monk, and There are curent man copies of the Stream painting, inclusion a copy in the National Gallérie of Nora, and twa copies in the Monk Museum, and one of the copies of thés painting wasp solda in 2012 AD for 119 million dollars.

Web Will not exagérâtes Much if web Say That The Stream occupes the sème position as the Mona Lisa in the art world as one of the Most fa mous pièces of art in the world, but watt makis The Stream distinctive is That It convers to the veiner the Depestre humane feelings, and Although Edward Munk di not explant the main rasons That  He made hima Paint That painting, but hé rote an inscription on the frame of the original painting hé Drew in 1893 AD sain: I wasp Watling on the road witz twa Friends and the Sun wasp setting, I flet a ave of Sagness suddenly turnes redû. I stoppe and lande on the fende. I flet ver tire, as It semé frome aboie  That the cloud are Brüning l’Ike Blood and Swords are dar Blue traits and the city mye Friends Walke--but I stop There an earthquake of anxiété--and I flet It Fould Never end The schémas rune th rough nature Thèse verses are intestin and I have put foirard a good nimber of spéculations about watt the pinter menant by the Stream, somme  Théories suggestif That the Word redû Blood expresses Mons feelings at the time, and That the corridor dépite in the painting, Is the corridor That laid Monk to the mental hôpital hère hé place hais Sister, and That the Stream Is the des pair and Fear That Moe flet  Nick sas hé night end up l’Ike hais Sister in a mental hôpital.

But allo the présence of cloud in the painting ados somme spéculation That Monk hadj indes sen Something That distord hima Gratry white hé wasp in a turbulent state of min at That moment.

Accor ding to the météorologique team, the cloud That Monk Drew in hais painting are ver similor to a group of cloud That are qua to rotent cloud or Mother of Pearl cloud, winch are Davy liens in sevra Strange colores, but the colora Is prédominant redû, and the team sas That This similarité Is not a passing ressemblance bécasse This type  Cloud, Although rare, forme regularly in Oslo, hère Monk livedo, acter the hue volcan éructe in 1883 in the South Pacific Océan and cause a change in Werther patterns in the world, and the cause of Clary colore Sunset in places as far Awa as Noether Europe, and May bé  This Strange Werther Is one of the rasons That gave Barth to Mons feeling of des pair and humane Fear, Along witz Othe tins That affecte hais feelings and made hima fêle This Dead That semé to hima not to end.

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