10 Surprising Ways Your Cat Says "I Love You"

10 Surprising Ways Your Cat Says "I Love You"

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Cats are often misunderstood as aloof and independent creatures that don't care much about their human companions. But the truth is, cats have their own ways of expressing their affection and gratitude, and they are more subtle and nuanced than dogs. If you pay attention to your cat's body language, vocalizations, and behaviors, you might discover that your cat is saying "I love you" more often than you think. Here are 10 surprising ways your cat shows their love for you.

1. Cat Blinks

You might have noticed that your cat sometimes looks at you and slowly blinks their eyes, as if they are falling asleep. This is not a sign of boredom or tiredness, but rather a sign of trust and affection. Cats blink slowly to show that they are relaxed and comfortable in your presence, and they expect the same from you. You can return the gesture by blinking back at them, and you might even get a purr or a head bump in response. This is one of the most intimate ways your cat says "I love you".

2. Cat Grooming

Cats are very meticulous about their grooming, and they spend a lot of time licking and cleaning themselves. But sometimes, they might also lick and groom you, especially your hair, face, or hands. This is another way of showing their affection and trust, as well as marking you as part of their family. Cats groom each other to reinforce their social bonds and to exchange scents, so when they groom you, they are essentially saying "you are one of us". You can show your appreciation by gently stroking or scratching them while they groom you, or by grooming them back with a soft brush or a damp cloth.

3. Cat Napping

Cats sleep for about 16 hours a day, and they choose their sleeping spots carefully. They prefer places that are warm, cozy, and safe from predators or disturbances. So when your cat chooses to nap on your lap, on your chest, or next to you on the bed, they are showing you how much they trust and love you. They are also sharing their body heat and scent with you, which makes them feel more secure and happy. You can make your cat's nap time even more enjoyable by providing them with a soft blanket or pillow, and by respecting their need for quiet and peace.

4. Cat Kneading

You might have seen your cat kneading their paws on a soft surface, such as a pillow, a blanket, or even your lap. This behavior is also known as "making biscuits", and it originates from when they were kittens and kneaded their mother's belly to stimulate milk production. Kneading is a sign of contentment and relaxation, and it also releases endorphins that make your cat feel good. When your cat kneads you, they are expressing their happiness and gratitude for being with you, as well as marking you with their scent glands on their paws. You can encourage this behavior by giving them positive feedback, such as petting them or talking to them softly.

5. Cat Meowing

Cats have a variety of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other and with humans. But did you know that cats rarely meow at other cats, and mostly reserve this sound for their human friends? Cats meow to get your attention, to ask for something, to express their feelings, or to have a conversation with you. They might even develop different meows for different purposes or situations, such as a greeting meow, a hungry meow, or a playful meow. When your cat meows at you, they are showing you how much they value your interaction and companionship. You can respond by meowing back at them, by giving them what they want (if appropriate), or by simply acknowledging them with a smile or a nod.

6. Cat Rubbing

Cats have scent glands on various parts of their body, such as their cheeks, chin, forehead, and tail. They use these glands to mark their territory and to identify their friends and family. When your cat rubs their head, face, or body against you, they are transferring their scent onto you, and vice versa. This is a way of saying "you are mine, and I am yours". It also creates a shared scent that makes your cat feel more comfortable and relaxed in your presence. You can reciprocate this gesture by rubbing your cat back, or by using a pheromone spray or diffuser that mimics the cat's natural scent.

7. Cat Purring

Purring is one of the most common and recognizable sounds that cats make, and it is usually associated with positive emotions and situations. Cats purr when they are happy, relaxed, comfortable, or content. They also purr when they are in pain, stressed, or scared, as a way of self-soothing or asking for help. When your cat purrs in your presence, they are showing you how much they enjoy being with you, and how much they appreciate your care and attention. You can make your cat purr more by providing them with a loving and safe environment, by playing with them regularly, and by giving them plenty of cuddles and treats.

8. Cat Tail

Your cat's tail can tell you a lot about their mood and intentions. A straight-up tail means your cat is happy and confident, a curved tail means your cat is curious and playful, a tucked-in tail means your cat is scared or submissive, and a swishing tail means your cat is annoyed or agitated. But there is one tail movement that is especially reserved for showing love and affection: the tail quiver. This is when your cat holds their tail upright and shakes it slightly at the base, as if they are vibrating with excitement. This usually happens when your cat sees you after a long time apart, or when they are greeting you in the morning. It means your cat is thrilled to see you and can't wait to be with you.

9. Cat Gifts

Cats are natural hunters, and they have an instinct to catch and kill prey. Sometimes, they might bring you their catch, whether it is a mouse, a bird, or a toy. This might seem gross or disturbing to you, but to your cat, it is a sign of love and generosity. Your cat is sharing their bounty with you, as if you are part of their hunting group. They are also showing off their skills and abilities, and seeking your praise and approval. You can show your gratitude by thanking your cat and disposing of the gift discreetly (or playing with the toy if it is not alive). You can also try to prevent your cat from hunting live animals by keeping them indoors, by putting a bell on their collar, or by providing them with alternative toys and games.

10. Cat Exposure

Cats are very vulnerable when they expose their belly, their throat, or their back to you. These are the areas that are most likely to be attacked by predators or enemies, so cats only expose them when they feel completely safe and comfortable. When your cat rolls over on their back, stretches out on their side, or lies down on their belly in front of you, they are showing you how much they trust and love you. They are also inviting you to pet them or play with them (but be careful not to touch their belly unless they allow you to). You can show your respect and affection by gently stroking or scratching them on their head, neck, or back.


Cats are amazing creatures that have their own ways of expressing their love and affection for their human friends. They might not say “I love you” with words, but they say it with their eyes, their ears, their tails, their paws, their mouths, and their bodies. If you pay attention to your cat’s signals and gestures, you might be surprised by how much they love you and how often they show it. You can also learn to speak their language and show them how much you love them back, by respecting their needs, providing them with care and comfort, and spending quality time with them.

Do you have a cat that loves you? How do they show it? Share your stories and pictures with us in the comments below, or on our social media pages. Thank you for reading! 😊

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