facts confirm a nuclear war will be During Donald Trump's Presidency .
* First : US President Donald Trump's reversal of decisions and statements and his confusion . are the greatest danger to America and the world, and will lead to a world war.
US President Donald Trump has made several statements that have angered the entire world ,This confirms the existence of confusion and turmoil which will be a danger to the world and will lead to a world war, and it will be nuclear.
Examples :
1- US President Donald Trump threatens hell for Gaza and the entire Middle East if Hamas does not hand over some detainees.
2- US President Donald Trump threatens hell for the Houthi group and Iran, which supports them.
3- US President Donald Trump wants to annex Canada to the United States.
4- US President DonaldTrump backs down on building a wall between the US and Mexico.
5- USPresident DonaldTrump backs out of a Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement signed by Barrack Obama with 12 Asian countries.
These were examples of US President Donald Trump's reversal of decisions and statements, and his confusion, which is a danger to America and the world and will lead to a world war.
Second - All heavenly books , actual evidence , facts confirm that a global nuclear war will occur within 7 months or 10 months .
We will discuss evidence from the Islamic religion and the words of the Prophet Mohamed , as he is the Seal of the Messengers and his law and words have been proven to be real and true and his miracles have been proven in many topics proven by Western countries such as America and Europe before the Arabs in many miracles that the Prophet Mohamed told about and that Western countries have proven in the modern era .,
We confirm that there will be a global nuclear war and we will prove that from the words of the Prophet Mohamed and we will say its consequences and results from the words of the Prophet Muhammad. Also from the reality that has been proven by the arrogance of man and his mistake in manufacturing a destructive weapon such as the nuclear weapon and his distance from the goal for which God created him, which is the worship of God.
In addition to some of the sayings of the political leaders of our modern era who rule the world now, and I repeat in our modern era, in addition to what has been proven to us and we all know that there are known and hidden organizations that seek this, such as ( Zionism, Freemasonry, and others).
1- There is a nuclear bomb equivalent to the explosion of fifty atomic bombs.
* Let me start with the result of using a hydrogen bomb (nuclear) such as the Russian (Zar) which is equivalent to the explosion of fifty atomic bombs like the one dropped by America on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan and killed millions of people after exterminating two hundred and fifty thousand people who were in the heart of the explosion. This is because the coming war will definitely be nuclear.
2- Aphorism of the Prophet Mohamed confirms that the last war will be destructive in the same way as nuclear weapons.
The evidence from the Islamic religion and the words of the Prophet Mohamed that the coming war will be nuclear is the words of the Prophet Mohamed when he said in (Explanation of his Aphorism ) about this war mentioned in all heavenly books that
The bird in the sky dies when it passes by the place of war. And the only nuclear weapon that explodes on the ground and rises to the sky and then spreads nuclear dust miles and kilometers.
And the Aphorism of the Prophet Mohamed in the book of al-Imam Muslim, number (4878), which is: “The Hour will not come until an inheritance is not divided or people rejoice over the spoils, to the point that a bird passes by their sides and does not leave them until it falls dead, and the sons of a father are counted, and they were a hundred, and they do not find anyone left except one man.” And the Aphorism in the book of al-Imam Muslim, number (4878), and it was narrated by Abdullah ibn Masoud, the companion of the Messenger of God.
3- Political leaders in our modern era, and I repeat in our modern era, are seeking a global nuclear war. Such as the Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu) with a Rabbi (Jewish cleric) on YouTube.
As for the organizations that are seeking this, there is a famous video of the Prime Minister of Israel (Benjamin Netanyahu) with a Rabbi (Jewish cleric) on you Tube. The Rabbi (Jewish cleric) is asking Netanyahu to hasten the emergence of the Antichrist. It is known that he will not emerge until after the War of Armageddon (World War III) according to the Islamic religion and the true heavenly books.
4- Zionism and other organizations such as Freemasonry seek a nuclear world war.
Freemasonry and Zionism are ( two sides of the same coin) as they both want to destroy man and humanity either through war for a goal in their distorted belief and religion that is proven to be distorted or by destroying people's morals and all the constants in all religions and heavenly books by spreading homosexuality ( the crime of sodomy) and spreading rituals and ceremonies ( for the worship of Satan) ( which is reprehensible and abhorrent in all heavenly books).
Thank you my brother in humanity in all parts of the world.
I have to read this article because it is true and realistic and I have tried as much as I could with all the facts that no sane person can deny to tell you that we are all on the verge of a global nuclear war mentioned in the ancient heavenly books (Armageddon). The harvest of what we have all done of destruction on earth and distance from the purpose of God in creating us.
And I hope you answer.Will the world war occur after months or days ???
The poor one who needs God's forgiveness