The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

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The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

image about The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

Gregor Sporry's story began in 1988, when he decided to travel to Egypt for two goals. The first was to collect ideas for designing an entertainment club with an ancient Egyptian flair, as he owned a company specializing in interior design for dance clubs and bars in the Swiss city of Basel. The other goal was to verify the mysterious powers that were said. It has been active inside the Great Pyramid of Giza for thousands of years!


At that time, Spori had a great passion for searching for the curiosities and mysteries of Egyptian civilization, as he had been influenced by the story of Napoleon Bonaparte, who was said to have spent a night alone inside the Great Pyramid in which he saw an ominous vision of his future and the end of his military career in exile


He was also greatly influenced by a book about the mystery in ancient Egypt by journalist Paul Brunton, published in the 1930s, in which he said that he also spent a night alone inside the Great Pyramid, lying inside the coffin of the King’s Chamber, claiming that he felt “an overwhelming sense of immortality.” "His soul!"

image about The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun
The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

On the evening of April 12, 1988, Spori, in agreement with one of the guards in the pyramids area - away from the eyes of the Egyptian authorities - had succeeded in entering the Great Pyramid to spend a night in it, where he lay down inside the sarcophagus in the King’s Chamber and remained for hours repeating his voices and listening to their amplified echoes inside the place


When he did not feel any spiritual changes and “cosmic forces” did not possess him as he had hoped! “Sporri” got up and wandered inside the various rooms of the pyramid, to no avail. Early in the morning he climbed the pyramid with the help of the guard until he reached its top. He finally left the pyramid, convinced that everything that was said about the hidden powers of the pyramid was “just nonsense and lies


Two days later, while he was talking to a friend in the lobby of the hotel where he was staying in Cairo, about the pyramid and his experience inside it, a waiter at the hotel listened to him and thought that he had come in search of smuggled Egyptian antiquities. That same night, when he was preparing to leave for Basel, the waiter approached him. He told him that he had a friend who “had beautiful things that he wanted to sell”!

image about The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun
The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

“Spoori” did not understand at first what the waiter meant, but he agreed to meet this relative, thinking that he might sell unique souvenirs. So the waiter brought him a Peugeot 504 taxi and asked the driver to take “Spoori” to somewhere outside Cairo to meet. the seller.

After the car left Cairo, it drove on a desert road towards Alexandria, and after two and a half hours of driving, it reached a rural village called “Bir Hokar” located in the city of Wadi El Natroun in Beheira Governorate, where it stopped in front of a house built of mud brick and surrounded by palm trees.

Only a few seconds passed, until a tall man wearing a galabiya, about 70 years old, came out of the house. “Spoori” said that he had distinctive features similar to the features of Egyptian kings that he saw painted on the walls of temples and tombs!


After he served tea, dates, and a shisha to “Sabouri,” the owner of the house asked him in broken English, “Where are you from?” He went on to ask in detail everything about “Sabouri,” the reason for his coming to Egypt, and how he knew his location. The merchant discovered that “Sabouri” had come in search of souvenirs. In the end, he told him that the waiter - who was the nephew of the merchant who owned the house - made a mistake, and that what the merchant was selling was not what “Sporri” was looking for.

When the merchant felt that Spoori was frustrated after wasting his day to no avail, he wanted not to let him leave empty-handed, so he offered to show him something special since he was interested in Egyptian antiquities and their curiosities, stressing at the same time that this thing was not for sale.

image about The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun
The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

According to “Sporri’s” account, the merchant was quite frank with him that he was selling collectibles and treasures stolen from ancient Egyptian tombs, to wealthy antique collectors who come to him from all over the world. He thought “Sporey” was one of them when his sister’s son sent him, but he apologized for this. The mistake will show him a very ancient artifact, which only a few people have seen, and tell him that when he sees it, it will change his view of the Great Pyramid and the nature of ancient Egyptian civilization!

The merchant led “Sporri” to another room inside the house, which contained a wardrobe, a cloudy mirror, a sofa covered with a dark red cover, and two wooden boxes. “Sporey” thought that all of these possessions were mostly English furniture dating back to the nineteenth century!

From one of the two boxes, the merchant took out a long package wrapped in brown leather. When he unwrapped it, white linen appeared that exuded a musty smell. When he removed the linen, something mummified appeared inside it, the nature of which was not clear at first.

When “Sporri” grabbed that piece, he found it to be light, and it weighed only about hundreds of grams. At first he thought it was a severed goat leg because of its black color and the bone that appeared from one of its ends, but when he looked at it carefully, he was struck by surprise: he was carrying a giant human finger!

The length of the mummified finger was between 30 and 40 cm, and its thickness was approximately 8 cm. It had a smooth surface and slightly scratched skin, while the folds of the finger were visible in its two knuckles.

Spori was not convinced at first that he was holding a human finger of this size, so he examined it carefully. As for the merchant, he gave him a magnifying glass to help him examine it to make sure that the piece was original. He also presented him with an old document containing X-ray pictures of the finger dating back to the 1960s, and a certificate that he said was Confirms the authenticity of the piece!

The merchant told Spori that he obtained these remains from his father, who in turn received them from his grandfather, while he refused to tell him the place where they found them, stressing that he knew they were original when his son examined them in a doctor’s office years ago with X-rays.

of Egyptian civilization.

The following year, 2009, Spori traveled to Egypt again, fully determined to begin his search with the merchant again, but he did not find him or the house, and he also failed to find the waiter who directed him to him

image about The story of the giant finger in Wadi Natroun

However, Spori did not give up, and began an extensive research journey about Egyptian civilization, in which he relied on books that dealt with the nature of the myths related to ancient Egypt, a journey that ended with him writing a book entitled “The Lost God... on the Day of Resurrection”! And a website that includes his story and the photos he took of those human remains, as the only physical evidence he has of his story


Until that date, many people around the world did not know anything about the pictures of “Sporri” and the remains of the giant of Wadi El Natroun, but this year in particular, and after he published his book and website, “Sporey” went to the German newspaper “Bild” and showed it the pictures, so that the newspaper in turn published it. A report about it begins to be transmitted by all websites and blogs interested in the curiosities of ancient civilizations, and it becomes a permanent subject in the discussion about the truth about Egyptian civilization and what we do not know about it.

The research that Sporry later conducted on these remains, relying on photographs only, showed him that the exact length of the finger was 38.4 cm, which means that this finger belonged to a giant person who was once about five or six meters tall!


Spori’s research showed that the remains had the same anatomical proportions as a normal human finger, including fingernails, limbs, and joints. He suggested that these remains were the index finger on someone’s sperm hand, noting that it became clear to him that the finger had been forcefully cut from the body using a blade. Large (a machete, for example), which is confirmed by the presence of several injuries to the finger, such as a broken nail and multiple scratches on the skin.


When Spori showed the pictures to some doctors, they said that a finger of this size does not necessarily mean that it belongs to a giant, as one might think at first glance. There are reasons that could make the fingers of an ordinary person reach this size!


Doctors explained that there are some hormonal disorders that affect humans, causing the tissues of one of their limbs, fingers, or toes to swell greatly, which makes it likely that the owner of this finger - if it really belongs to a human - may be suffering from this disorder.


Although Spori explicitly stated the opinion of doctors on his website, he responded by saying that the hormonal disorders that doctors refer to are accompanied by a state of asymmetry in the affected limb, providing a set of pictures that show the forms of these disorders, indicating that this does not apply to The remains of Wadi El-Natroun, because the finger is consistent in size and its measurements correspond to the proportions of the normal fingers of an ordinary person, but with a difference in size.


He also added that these disorders and deformities mentioned by doctors are in the tissues - flesh and skin - only and do not include the bone of the affected case, indicating that the bones, flesh and skin have consistent proportions in the remains of Wadi Natroun, which is confirmed by the only poor X-ray image he saw of the remains.


Among the scientists to whom “Sporri” showed the pictures was also the naturalist Dr. Carl Bader, who confirmed that the finger most likely belongs to a truly giant person - if the pictures are accurate - but at the same time he maintained that science, from a purely evolutionary biological point of view, has not witnessed There are no such creatures at all, and there is no evidence that they ever lived on Earth.


Spori also showed the photos to Swiss mummy expert Dr. Frank J. Rühli from the University of Zurich, who said in text, “What the photos show is an interesting case. A final, photo-based evaluation is unfortunately not possible. However, the nail, its integration with tissue, surface condition, and injuries.” The visible skin tissues all look very normal.”


He continued by saying, “Maybe it was protein syndrome or something similar. The bone stem is also a bit strange. It is closer to an animal bone, because it appears very thick for a human finger. Given the lack of CT images of the bone, my statement is purely speculative. If these remains are forgeries.” “This cannot be completely ruled out. It is a very good job. I recommend consulting a veterinary surgeon to discover the nature of this bone.”


Acting on this advice, Sporri showed the photos to German biologist Dr. Mark Benecke, who texted, “Unfortunately, no statement can be made on the basis of the photos... I think it would be better to examine whether this piece belongs to a human, an animal, or perhaps anything else.” Other tissues are not possible unless samples from the finger are available, as they are able to confirm the type of this thing via DNA.”


He continued by saying, “But based on the images only - and taking into account the possibility of forgery - there is no change in the tissues or anything abnormal, but without tissue samples I cannot say more about this case.”


In the end, although Spori is now over sixty-six years old, he adheres to his belief that what he saw in Wadi El Natroun in Egypt were the remains of a mysterious giant, and that Egyptian civilization has not yet revealed all its secrets, and he still has hope of finding... Those who possess these remains and convince them to publish them publicly so that scientists can examine them and reach a definitive conclusion about their reality.


After an hour of examination and astonishment, “Sporri” asked the merchant to sell him these remains, but he refused categorically, stressing that they were a family heirloom that could not be neglected. He merely allowed him to photograph them for $300, before “Sporri” left Bear Hooker and all of him. It is certain that it carried the remains of an Egyptian giant who once lived in Wadi Natroun.


A few days later, “Sporri” returned to Switzerland, but he never forgot what he saw in Wadi El-Natroun, and he remained preoccupied with the truth about what we do not know about ancient Egyptian civilization, until he decided in 2008, twenty years after his first visit to Egypt, to resign from office. His work is devoted entirely to searching for the secrets of God

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Wael Muhammad Rashad Othman Baza


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