The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

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The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

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 Professor Ahmed Adly says that the silent Sphinx has not yet revealed all its secrets. The story of the existence of a chamber beneath the Sphinx began to spread during the time of the Roman historian Bellini, who stated that there was a tomb beneath or inside the statue. The historians Al-Maqrizi and Al-Baghdadi transmitted this story and added that the Sphinx contains a room full of treasures. The first explorers salivated over these stories and raced to search for that room in order to plunder it under the guise of "scientific research", such as Caviglia and Bering, and after them Maspero, who was so dominated by the idea that he launched a subscription in France in order to excavate beneath the Sphinx, but the money ran out and they did not reveal Except for small parts around the giant statue

image about The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

Dr. acknowledges. Salim Hassan said that the story of the existence of a tomb or a room below the Sphinx is not impossible, provided that it is below it and not inside it, especially since the statue was represented in dynastic paintings sitting on a pedestal at a great height, as if there was something underneath it, so how was the search for it?

image about The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

In 1978, an American mission came to excavate under the statue, and the implementation was attended by Dr. Mark Lehner and Dr. Zahi Hawass. The mission’s goal was to search for a room below it. They made 8 holes below it and in the temple opposite, but they did not find anything valuable.

 In 1991, geologist D

image about The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

 Robert Schock conducted seismic studies under the statue, and the results told him that there was a void under his left arm, but unfortunately the study was stopped by an administrative decision, and no additional details were known about that void, whether it was a natural void or a room.

image about The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

The German "Athanasius Kircher" was the first European to write about Egyptian antiquities, and although he drew the Sphinx in his book in the form of a Roman man, which means that he did not see it with his own eyes, but rather heard about it from travelers, he drew it above three books in reference to the records that... He heard about it. (Picture below)

Textual evidence recently emerged from Manu Seifzadeh, a researcher and translator of hieroglyphic texts, who found a reference in the Harris Papyrus supporting the existence of a chamber beneath the Sphinx. I previously translated it with my friend Abdullah Salem, where I talked about a will written by the scribes of the master of the Ashmunin to Ra Har-Akhti, who works in the great headquarters in On, and that it was written down and recorded in the records, and placed at the feet of Ra Har-Akhti, giving it to his grandson forever and ever. . (Full text in comments)

The master of the Ashmunin, the writer, is “Thoth,” and “Ra-Hor-Akhty” is one of the titles of the Sphinx, and thus the papyrus mentions the presence of records beneath the ancient statue, mentioning the description and place.

image about The secret records room beneath the Sphinx

Dealing with the idea that there are hidden rooms under the statue is done with a hammer mentality, and is met with strong opposition, in the face of which scarecrows of fantasy and superstition are raised, and searching into them is considered taboo. One day I met a Canadian radar engineer working on a project on the Giza Plateau, and he said to me: I wonder why the Ministry of Antiquities does not use radars to survey the Giza area and the bottom of the Sphinx. It can show you all the spaces and rooms, if they are there, within days or weeks at most. I told him: The means were not the problem, but rather bureaucracy and a monopoly on certain novels, and it is not allowed to research beyond that.

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Wael Muhammad Rashad Othman Baza


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