Coordinated Attacks Rock Dagestan: A Day of Tragedy and Response

Coordinated Attacks Rock Dagestan: A Day of Tragedy and Response

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Coordinated Attacks Rock Dagestan: A Day of Tragedy and Response

In a devastating series of events, Dagestan, Russia's southernmost province, has been struck by coordinated attacks that have resulted in at least nine fatalities and 25 injuries, according to local authorities

The attacks targeted multiple sites including churches, synagogues, and a police traffic stop across the cities of Derbent and Makhachkala, spanning approximately 120 kilometers (75 miles).

Among the victims reported by local authorities are seven law enforcement officers, a priest, and a church security guard. Additionally, four assailants, described as "militants," have been reported killed, according to the Russian news agency TASS

Chairman Shamil Khadulaev of the Dagestan Public Monitoring Commission provided grim details, stating, "Father Nikolay, aged 66 and in poor health, was tragically killed in Derbent church, where his throat was slit." He also confirmed the death of a church security guard who was armed only with a pistol

Mavludin Khidirnabiev, the head of the "Dagestan Lights" police department, was among the law enforcement officers killed, as confirmed by the Dagestan Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In Makhachkala, a shootout at a church forced 19 individuals to seek refuge inside, culminating in the death of at least one attacker, according to TASS, citing the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Dagestan

The violence extended to religious institutions, with a synagogue in Derbent set ablaze, resulting in significant damage and fatalities among local guards. Another synagogue in Makhachkala was targeted by gunfire, although specifics remain unclear

Reacting swiftly to the crisis, the Israeli Foreign Ministry condemned what it described as "a combined attack" on the synagogues. They clarified that no worshippers were present during the attacks and there were no reported casualties from the Jewish community

Sergey Melikov, the head of the Dagestan Republic, addressed the public via Telegram, attributing the attacks to "unknown individuals attempting to destabilize our society," while reassuring citizens that measures were in place. He announced the establishment of an operational headquarters and the initiation of "Operation Interception" to apprehend the perpetrators

Meanwhile, the Investigative Directorate of Russia's Investigative Committee for Dagestan has launched a terrorism investigation under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. They pledged to thoroughly examine the circumstances of the attacks and hold those responsible legally accountable

As the situation continues to develop, both local and international authorities are committed to ongoing updates and ensuring justice for the victims of these tragic events. The attacks underscore a challenging chapter in Dagestan's history, marked by ethnic and religious tensions amidst efforts to maintain stability and security

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