Learn the most important information about psychology

Learn the most important information about psychology

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There is no doubt that we all need to know it, as it is no longer restricted to everyone interested in the humanities, whether psychological or physical, because of this information of a prominent role in shedding light on the clarification and knowledge of the secrets of the soul, soul and body in its simplified form.

Definition of psychology

The Greeks called the term (Psychology) on psychology, and put a symbol for it, which is PSI, and these letters are taken from the first letters of the word, that is (Psi), this science, which is divided into two schools: the Analytical School, which dates back to Sigmund Freud, and the Conditional School, which Founded by Pavlov. Throughout the ages, scholars and interested philosophers have developed several definitions of psychology and its classifications, and they conflicted and differed among themselves, but they agreed in several aspects, the most prominent of these definitions are: 

According to the Greeks: It was known as the science of the study of mental life.

According to psychoanalysts, they said that it is the science of conscious and unconscious mental life.

Behaviorists: It is the study of behavior.

In the sixteenth century: They defined it as the science that studies the soul or the mind.

In the modern era: Psychology is defined as an applied academic study of behavior, cognition, and the mechanical sciences deduced from them.

However, the best definitions is what is based on all the previous ones, and combined them, in that it is the science that combines the mind, behavior, feeling and unconsciousness, which investigates behavior in terms of its relationship to mental life, whether conscious or unconscious.

Information about psychology

Information about psychology is considered as the key to entering the study and analysis of this science, and ways to deal with it, and it is necessary to know the most important information:

The roots of the term are English, and it combines the words philosophy and physiology.

The constructivist school of psychology was founded by William Font, who relied on introspection in recognizing and solving people's problems

German experimental psychology was founded by William Maximilian Wandt.

It seeks to understand and explain human behavior, and also has an idea about predicting what it will be like next, not to mention the ways to control this behavior, in addition to the possibilities of controlling it.

It has become known that mental health is a measure of an individual's level of psychological well-being, in other words, that is, completely free of any complexes or disorders, and those that have a good behavioral and emotional level

Positive psychology has a holistic view or view related to mental health, which can include the capabilities of individuals and their capabilities to enjoy life, that is, by creating a balance between life activities and their requirements, in order to achieve the desired goal, which is psychological flexibility. 

Any disorder that an individual suffers from - whether he is in his health condition or in his behavior - must expose him to many problems, most notably depression, anxiety and stress, which is thus reflected in his relationship with society and the environment and translates into feelings of sadness or hyperactivity and addiction, and leads to mood disorders. Psychologically, there is also a lack of focus and attention.

Because knowledge of psychology is an urgent necessity to maintain the mental health of the individual, and address its problems in pursuit of a better life, we see that nurses and doctors focus, to remedy these difficulties, on guiding the patient to overcome his behavioral and psychological fears.

Observers note that there is a large gap between the scientific theory and the mechanism of its application, from an improper clinical point of view. 

One branch of this science has taken into account the role of genetics and the effect of the relationship of a candidate gene and its environment on an individual's behavior or mental illness.

Several examinations, tests, and experiments were conducted on certain groups of individuals, such as the educated, the industrialists, the Westerners, the rich...

Experiments, research and studies have been applied to humans and animals as well.

Most of the old experiments were considered unethical, and modern standards were set for them so that they did not violate the laws: (the American Psychological Association's Ethics Code, the Canadian Law on Human Research, and the Belmont Report

Ethical committees have been formed in university psychology departments, in order to preserve the safety of the students and protect their rights, including their consent to any experiment they are subjected to, and that it is confidential and voluntary as well.

Ethical principles have been established for the use of animals in scientific and laboratory experiments so as not to affect any physical or psychological harm to the animal.


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